Contrary to popular belief, you don't need a whole room of exercise equipment or a gym to get in a good workout or warm up. In fact, for the most part all you need to lengthen and tone is a resistance band and your own weight.
If your children are actively involved in things like gymnastics, cheerleading and dance, then they'll be dealing with a lot of rigorous movement, so stretching is key to prevent injuries. This video will show kids how they can do some great warmup stretches to increase flexibility for trampoline, gymnastics, dance, cheerleading, skating, ballet, tumbling and other children's sports.
In this tutorial, we learn how to jump higher and run faster doing plyometric exercises. Start out with an alternating exercise that you will rotate through all of and get progressively stronger within 10 weeks. In week on, start out with 15 speed squats. Then you will have 30 seconds of recovery followed by 15 lunges with each leg for a total of 30 lunges. Take another 30 second break, then do 10 lateral cone hops, barely touching the ground. Another 30 second recovery after this, then do 10...
Shin splints suck. If you're a runner then you've probably had them at one point or another and you know how badly they hurt as well as weaken your ability to complete your usual jogging routine.
Sometimes we don't realize that some of our most common tasks are actually a major risk for our bodies, and before you know it, you have some sort of injury, like tendonitis. This video will give you the tips that you'll need to help you prevent some of the most common workplace injuries.
Learn some stretches from a fitness expert and Woman's Day Magazine. This video will show you the tip to doing a full body pre-workout stretch. Make sure you're standing relaxed with your feet planted firmly on the ground and your kneed bent slightly. Next, bring you hands about your head and hold. Lower your arms halfway. Then close your arms in front of you. Your stretching your whole upper body! Watch and learn the rest.
Learn how to perform a kneeling quad stretch exercise with this video tutorial. Whether you're looking to warm up, wind down or just increase your flexibility, a good stretch routine can go a long way. However, with stretching, as with any exercise, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing effectiveness and avoiding accidental injury. Happily, with free exercise videos like this one, learning the proper technique is easy. For more information, including step-by-step...
Learn how to perform a hip flexor stretch exercise with this video tutorial. Whether you're looking to warm up, wind down or just increase your flexibility, a good stretch routine can go a long way. However, with stretching, as with any exercise, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing effectiveness and avoiding accidental injury. Happily, with free exercise videos like this one, learning the proper technique is easy. For more information, including step-by-step...
Learn how to perform a laying quad stretch exercise with this video tutorial. Whether you're looking to warm up, wind down or just increase your flexibility, a good stretch routine can go a long way. However, with stretching, as with any exercise, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing effectiveness and avoiding accidental injury. Happily, with free exercise videos like this one, learning the proper technique is easy. For more information, including step-by-step...
Learn how to perform a simple stretch exercise for your quadricep muscles with this video tutorial. Whether you're looking to warm up, wind down or just increase your flexibility, a good stretch routine can go a long way. However, with stretching, as with any exercise, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing effectiveness and avoiding accidental injury. Happily, with free exercise videos like this one, learning the proper technique is easy. For more information,...
Learn how to perform a kick-butt stretch exercise for your glutes with this video tutorial. Whether you're looking to warm up, wind down or just increase your flexibility, a good stretch routine can go a long way. However, with stretching, as with any exercise, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing effectiveness and avoiding accidental injury. Happily, with free exercise videos like this one, learning the proper technique is easy. For more information, including...
Learn how to perform an easy groin stretch exercise with this video tutorial. Whether you're looking to warm up, wind down or just increase your flexibility, a good stretch routine can go a long way. However, with stretching, as with any exercise, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing effectiveness and avoiding accidental injury. Happily, with free exercise videos like this one, learning the proper technique is easy. For more information, including step-by-step...
Learn how to perform a standing outer hip stretch exercise with this video tutorial. Whether you're looking to warm up, wind down or just increase your flexibility, a good stretch routine can go a long way. However, with stretching, as with any exercise, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing effectiveness and avoiding accidental injury. Happily, with free exercise videos like this one, learning the proper technique is easy. For more information, including...
Learn how to perform an outer hip stretch exercise with this video tutorial. Whether you're looking to warm up, wind down or just increase your flexibility, a good stretch routine can go a long way. However, with stretching, as with any exercise, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing effectiveness and avoiding accidental injury. Happily, with free exercise videos like this one, learning the proper technique is easy. For more information, including step-by-step...
Learn how to perform a tennis elbow stretch exercise with this video tutorial. Whether you're looking to warm up, wind down or just increase your flexibility, a good stretch routine can go a long way. However, with stretching, as with any exercise, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing effectiveness and avoiding accidental injury. Happily, with free exercise videos like this one, learning the proper technique is easy. For more information, including step-by-step...
Learn how to perform a wrist flexor stretch exercise with this video tutorial. Whether you're looking to warm up, wind down or just increase your flexibility, a good stretch routine can go a long way. However, with stretching, as with any exercise, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing effectiveness and avoiding accidental injury. Happily, with free exercise videos like this one, learning the proper technique is easy. For more information, including step-by-step...
Learn how to perform an anterior shoulder stretch exercise with this video tutorial. Whether you're looking to warm up, wind down or just increase your flexibility, a good stretch routine can go a long way. However, with stretching, as with any exercise, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing effectiveness and avoiding accidental injury. Happily, with free exercise videos like this one, learning the proper technique is easy. For more information, including...
In this clip, you'll learn how to perform a lateral neck flexion stretch. Whether you're looking to warm up, wind down or just increase your flexibility, a good stretch routine can go a long way. However, with stretching, as with any exercise, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing effectiveness and avoiding accidental injury. Happily, with free exercise videos like this one, learning the proper technique is easy. For more information, including step-by-step...
In this clip from Fine Living, learn how to get rid of tension in your head and upper body with simple neck exercises. These stretches are easy to do and can be performed at home. Check out this clip and get the stress out little by little. Relax!
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do a pedestal routine. This exercise circuit contains exercises. The exercises in this circuit are: 5 reps of prone leg lift, 5 reps of lateral leg lift, 5 reps of supine leg lift, 10 reps of donkey kicks, 20 reps of scorpions, 5 reps of Rockies, 5 reps of donkey whips, 10 reps of lower body crawl, 20 reps of iron cross, 20 reps of Australian crawl, 5 reps of pedestal lateral leg lift, 10 reps of groiners, 10 reps of hurdle seat exchange, 5 reps of...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to the "Grant Green" exercise circuit. This exercise circuit contains exercises. The exercises are: 10 raps of donkey kicks, 20 reps of scorpions, 20 reps of iron cross, 8 reps of both lateral leg lifts with toe out and in, 5 reps of Rockies, 5 reps of donkey whips, 10 reps of lower body crawl, 10 reps of Australian crawl, 20 reps of pedestal lateral leg lift, 20 reps of groiners, 10 reps of hurdle seat exchange, 50 reps of Russian hamstrings, 20 reps...
In this tutorial, we learn how to do a total body stretching routine with just a towel. Start off by gripping the towel shoulder width apart and pull your arms apart while tensing your body and hold this for around 20-30 seconds, the try again. For the next exercise, bring the towel behind your head and face your hand behind you and pull the hand with your right and left while maintaining a 90 degree angle with the hand that's above you. The last exercise take the towel and stand on one leg....
You know how you come home from work everyday with a tension-filled back that you just can't seem to work out? The 9 to 5 grind and commute to and from work takes a lot out of all of us, but there are things you can do to improve your back pain.
In this video, Ozzie Jacobs shows how to activate your upper back muscles in order to tone them effectively when at the gym. As Ozzie explains, this is often more difficult to achieve due to the tendency of your shoulders to slump forward due to the effect of gravity. In order to properly activate your upper back muscles at a machine like a rowing machine, Ozzie advises her viewers to make sure that their back muscles are tightened, focusing and consciously trying to pull your shoulder blades...
In this video, we learn how to perform corrective stretching to help knee pain. Perform these stretches on each leg for 1-5 minutes each. The first exercise you can do is with a step or a slightly elevated item. First, elevate your toe and stay on the heel, then bed at your hips and squeeze the quad of the front leg. Bend down so your arms touch the ground, remembering not to bend your knees. Next, place a mat on the floor and kneel onto it, placing your foot on a chair that's behind you. Have...
The Five Tibetan Rites have been performed every morning by some sects of Tibetan monks for hundred of years. They require no equipment and develop strength all over you body as well as proper digestion. Do these exercises every morning and you are sure to see positive results.
It's no surprise that there's a link between not stretching your muscles and crippling back pain. Admittedly you work at an office all day, bum blued to your chair, but that's no excuse to continue your non-movement when you get home. In fact, if you have an office job it is almost indispensible that you stretch your muscles out or else you will develop a pinched spinal cord.
In this how to video, you will learn how to do a cartwheel. It is recommended to be able to do hand stands before attempting this, as it will be easier. When you are coming down, you want your front foot to come straight down. The hand will be pointing the opposite way. The other hand will come around at shoulder width. The other foot should come around. The point is to have your body come completely over where your hands and feet are. Make sure you throw your body in the direction...
In this how to video, you will learn how to become more flexible. This refers to the range of motion you can attain around a joint. This can be useful for keeping your body fit and becoming a better lover. You will also be less prone to injury. You will also get slimmer. The best time to do this is after a workout. Hold each movement for ten to fifteen seconds. Although you may feel a pull in the muscle, do not stretch to the point of pain. Yoga and Pilates is another away to increase...
If you are having trouble with your vertical jump, check out this tutorial. In this video are two exercises that will increase your vertical jump. We start off with Hand MB Depth Jump which when landing off of the box overloads your body eventually helping you to gain more power in your vertical jump. The second exercise is the Box Jump which is simple and will also increase your vertical jump. Remember to keep the rep range low so, you can give maximum effort with each jump.Keep practicing...
Working out your core is important in sports. This video will show you a few exercises on how to create tons of power (core exercises) & increase vertical jump with very little equipment right at home. This video is for all athletes, especially volleyball and basketball athletes. Work it out, and play harder!
In this video we learn to stretch our legs so we can perform our high section kicks easier. A good start is taking your leg and bending your knee so your foot is right behind your butt. Hold your foot there for about 30 seconds. Then, trying to keep your foot where it is, bring your leg out to the side. Hold this for 30 seconds. Next you can lift your leg and hold your knee to your chest and hold. Do these stretches on each leg for your upper leg. Now for your lower leg, keep your heels on the...
Joanie Greggains shows us some stretching exercises using the "Cardio Barre." This is a great way to start your day or to warm up for a mild to moderate cardio workout. She introduces a portable ballet or cardio barre to use for balance and support. If you do not have a cardio barre, you can always use the back of a chair or bookcase. You hold on to the cardio barre facing forward and place your feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent as you bend at the waist, keeping your back straight....
Sore muscles are no fun, but the only way to make it stop is to continue working out. The more you work your muscles, the stronger they will get and the less they will hurt when you use them. No matter how much it hurts you have to work through the pain. Check out this tutorial for info and advice on how to get past the aches and reach your maximum potential.You Will Need • Deep breathing techniques • Motion • Focus • Relaxation techniques • Meditation • Soothing music (optional)
Splits are popular in dance and cheerleading, do you think you can do one? Practice, practice, practice and check out the helpful tips in this video to avoid injury.You Will Need • Flexibility • Time to practice
Acroholic teaches you how to do splits to improve martial artistry. You need to start with a few warm-up exercises. Repeat each of the exercises 15 times. First, simply lift your left leg as high as you can, then do the same for the right one. You then do the same exercise, only this time you also add a spin to the lift. Next, stretch your legs on the ground, kneeling and putting one in front of the other. Hold the tension when you're doing the start of a split for at least 30 seconds. For the...
In this video from 01blackkat01 we learn how to do the splits if you are a boy. First you must stretch. First legs apart, lean to right and left and right and left. Now stretch with palms to the floor, move forward, spread legs more, walk hands behind legs. Hold it. Come back up. Straight leg stretch is next. This requires you holding onto your foot as you stretch it up towards the ceiling. Now give your legs a little shake. Open your legs, open arms wide and reach for your toes. ...
The video first opens up with a muscular man standing in a well lit weight room. He begins with a quick description explaining how he will be performing the stretches and then begins to do so. He swings his leg back behind him and bends it and pulls it up to his behind, he continues to do so for some time. Next he brings the same leg forward and stretches it over his other knee. After that, he bends over and exhales and touches his toes. He then gets a foam pillow and stretches his legs out...
This is a demo showing how to do Stretching & Flexibility Techniques for Fat Loss, Muscle Gain, & Athleticism. It includes pull ups with proper stretching on the shoulder, triceps, biceps and abdominal muscles. Try to keep your vertebra straight and erect while doing any type of exercises. Push-up exercises may built your chest as well as your biceps muscles. Also, it may improve your abdominal muscles. You can also do hamstring and calf muscle exercises lying down on the floor and by...
Paul Zaichik of Elastic Steel explains how to do a half side split. The half side split is a very basic technique. First, kneel on the floor and lean forward. Then extend one leg so that it is perpendicular with your torso and so that both your body and foot are at 45 degree angles. The other leg will remain bent. You can also lean forward so that both your body and foot are leaning against the floor. Bend the leg to match the other leg and rest in that position before extending the other leg...
This is the demo showing how to stretch your muscles for martial arts that will make our body so flexible. Most of the people having problem on posterior muscles of thighs when they try to kick their legs upwards. We can avoid these types of problems by stretching your muscles 15- 30 minutes a day. There are different types of stretching! The first thing you should practice is splitting your legs almost 180 degree on the ground! You have to stay in this position for five minutes. You should...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to perform frontal splits in yoga. The frontal split is a stretch that targets the hamstring muscle. Begin by extending your right leg forward and flex the toes out in front of you on the mat. Very slowly and carefully, slide your right leg forward until you feel some resistance. Once you start to feel a stretch in your hamstring, you need to get your fingertips firmly planted into the floor or else on top of a block. This video will benefit those...
This video instructs on how to do a walkover back bend for stretching. A production brought to you by "Fit For A Feast". The instructors first tell you to lay on your back and turn your palms backwards to be placed on the ground afar from your head. The next step involved equal pressure being used on your legs and arms to create an inverse arch using your back. The stretch is then sustained and released multiple times to complete the task.
CobraWorkout teaches you how to do simple ab workouts to get a ripped six pack. For the first exercise lay down on your back, heels on the floor, take a medicine ball between your hands. Then angle your body at 45 degrees from the ground and twist it to the left and to the back. Do this 15 times and go straight to the next exercise. This involves getting on the side and having your feet in the air, while moving your upper body up and down. Do 25 repetitions on each side. For the third exercise...
After practicing, the hipster stretching sequence outlined by yogi Sadie Nardini in this two-part yoga instructional video is something you can use to help build flexibility in your inner thighs and quads.
This video shows you how to get taller through stretching. This video shows you how you can grow taller by stretching your body daily. It also explains how stretching exercises help your body release high amounts of Human Growth Hormone which helps you grow taller. In this video you will learn what kind of daily exercise routine you will have to follow to achieve success. This is a good video for people that are looking for some ways to grow taller naturally without any medication.
Almost everyone wants to be a little bit taller. By following the simple stretches and exercises outlined in this video we learn that it's possible to gain that inch or two simply through straightening your spine and posture, and through overall muscle health. Listing a dozen mostly yoga related positions, ranging from the Cobra position to the Yawn stretch to the Downhill, along with supplying health diagrams for each and every one, this video shows you how to get the most out of your body's...
Dan Larsen from Elevate Polymeric shows us how to complete a polymeric drill. By practicing this drill frequently you can increase your ability to run faster, jump higher and improve your agility. Great for runners or any athlete! If you've never heard of polymeric exercises before they are exercises designed to produce fast and powerful movements. These fast and powerful movements can in turn improve the functions of your body's nervous system. After doing polymeric drills a few times you will...
This short video instructs you on how to grow taller using only stretching. If you follow these few simple steps you should grow a little taller and straighten out your spine all at the same time. Using only your arms and legs, stretch your body to it's limits then do a 60 second air bicycle ride. Next slowly use head rotations to loosen your neck joints. You should practice doing this everyday in the morning and at night.
Relieve the pain of a stiff neck and loosen up with these detailed and helpful activities. Learn how to have a better posture, and then some great and simple exercises that stop problems with a stiff neck. These exercises are well described and easy to follow, and are effective in reducing problems with a stiff neck. Not only do these tips help with a stiff neck, they also help with relaxing. The video also helps with when to do these exercises and how many to do, to feel the maximum benefit...
Many people are unhappy with their current height and want to get taller. There are some natural ways to increase your height, but remember, it takes time and a lot of patience and you won't grow 2 inches in a week.
Those stretches you learned as a kid – called "static stretching" – can actually weaken muscles before exercise. Learn how to warm up the right way, with "dynamic" stretching. Watch this video to learn how to warm up and stretch correctly before exercise.
This is Fitness for Dummies. Learn how to do simple stretching exercises. An evening stretch routine improves flexibility, warms muscles, and relaxes you before bed. This stretch routine works your arms, legs, and back and can improve your sleep, as well as prevent nighttime cramps.
Back exercises can greatly increase the condition of your spine and posture. Learn how to do the seal stretch with this tutorial. The pelvic lift exercise is a great exercise for the back and buttock muscles. Watch this how to video and you will be able to perform the seal stretch.
Dave demonstrates six key stretching exercises to help enhance your range of motion and prevent injury. Follow along in this how-to video to learn the top six stretching exercises. Watch this video workout and learn to do the lying leg crossover, hip flexor stretch, perfect periformis hip glute stretch, partner hamstring stretch, partner squad stretch, and the shoulder back lat pec stretch. This six stretches are to get your muscles relaxed and ready for you next workout.
The hip and thigh stretch works on the mobility of the hip joint. Learn how to do the hip and thigh stretch with a partner in this fitness tutorial. When performing this stretch with a partner you should bend leg up, put hands on shin & thigh, and press in, out. With this how to video you can perform the hip and thigh stretch with a partner more effectively.
Stretch before a workout is very important. Learn how to stretch before cardio in this exercise tutorial. When stretching before cardio exercise you should stretch while moving, use flowing, smooth movements, hug knees and then stretch after workout
There are some muscles that cannot be stretched alone. For these muscle stretches, a partner can help. Learn how to stretch with a partner to improve overall health in this fitness tutorial. When stretching with a partner you should push or pull, use gentle resistance, engage muscles, exhale & pull, and hold each stretch for eight to 20 seconds. With this how to video you will be able to stretch more effectively with a partner.
Stretching calf muscles is important for lengthening a key leg muscle and increasing flexibility. Learn how to do calf stretch exercises in this stretching and flexibility video. Take action: use platform or stairwell, stretch calves before flexing muscles, go one leg at a time, toe against wall, heel planted & lean forward, and hold 15 to 30 seconds. Tom Clifford, the instructor of this how-to video, has a degree in physical education, fitness and health from Eastern Michigan University, where...